Saturday, November 20, 2010

Great site for Wildlife Photograhy Tips

The hardest part of being a wildlife photograher is learning how to get great images. We still learn everyday no matter of your level of expertise. Myself I have been taking images since the 70's and still learn everyday. Here is a link to some great tips and has some wonderful authors. Give it a look and you might find that one tip.

Photographers Online Magazine

Happy Shooting,

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Look Out!

Look Out!, originally uploaded by Thru Kurts Lens.

Well spent Sunday the 14th at Conowingo again. We (Matt) arrived around 8am which is late for us and it wasn't that crowded. There was some fishing activity once we arrived but all the fog ruined any chance of a photograph. The activity was slow but we did get some flybys during the day. The Eagles were mostly in the trees all around us so that was good. Took a lot of shots some good, some bad. One day will get the exposure down. The numbers were about the same maybe 100...

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bald Eagle Lunch

Lunch, originally uploaded by Thru Kurts Lens Photography.
Decided to go to Conowingo again this am. Got there just at dawn and it was cold this morning. The day was good for Eagle photos lots of tree shots of eating thier catch.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Great White Egret

Sunday 10-31-2010 am I decided to go to one of my favorite spots at Peace Valley Park in New Britain. There was not much of anything at the usual locations. I was leaving and saw a little white dot near a dock and figured it was a Great White Egret. So I packed up my Bushhawk and hiked to the dock. After 500 clicks I got some great shots. This little guy let me get very close. I only wish I had better light as I was crawling on the shore to get closer at his level.

Bushhawk? its a camera support system which I will write my evaluation of it after i use it more.

Stay tuned,

Friday, October 29, 2010

Baldy with lunch at the Dam

Well today we spent the morning waiting for the sun to come out at Conowingo. We arrived at 7;30 to find heavy cloud cover but the Eagles were active. I tried the better beamer but no success. Guess I need to figure that one out. We had a few perched around us to get good static images and a few good fliers too. All and all a good morning. There were around 100 eagles today.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Early Morning Fog Fishing

Spent the morning at Conowingo, MD at the dam. I aarived at 7am or so in a line of cars entering teh parking lot. I set up and within 15 minutes the activity started where I captured this photo. This was taken with a 7d and my new/used 300 2.8 with a 1.4x.. So with my crop sensor I was at 620mm focal length. I still had to use a slow shutter speed due to the light conditions.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

First Post - New to Blogging

Well here is my first post.. many have told me to start a blog? Not really sure why but here goes. I have no idea what will happen. I'm not the type of person that likes to blow my own horn. But I do like to photograph and go places so maybe I can help someone in some way..

Thanks for looking and reading.. Feel free to follow me and post comments anytime.
